Privacy policy

Enacted: April 1, 2005
Mizuho Medy Co., Ltd.
Chairman and President: Fuminari Karakawa

Policy for protection of personal information

Statement regarding protection of personal information


Mizuho Medy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") is fully aware of the importance of the personal information of our customers and considers that protecting personal information is our social responsibility. We are committed to strict compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal information and other relevant rules and regulations.

2.Our business and handling of personal information

We are a manufacturer and seller of in vitro diagnostics for healthcare professionals and general individuals. While conducting business, we acquire personal information directly or indirectly from our customers. The personal information acquired is used only when announced publicly in advance; it is not used for other purposes.

3.Safety measure for protection of personal information

We are committed to strict protection of customer's personal information and take preventive and safety measures to prevent the loss, leakage or damage of the information.

4.Other considerations for handling of personal information
  • When a customer demands a disclosure of personal information, we will respond to such demand. When a customer demands a correction or requests us to stop using their information, we take the necessary actions promptly.
  • In case of a leakage of a customer's personal information, we take necessary actions at once along with actions to prevent secondary damage.
5.Ongoing improvement of compliance program

We are committed to the ongoing review and improvement of the system to protect personal information and facilitate effective and proper operation.

Disclosure of the details regarding protection of personal information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information

Mizuho Medy Co., Ltd.
Chairman and President: Fuminari Karakawa

We disclose details regarding the protection of personal information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "the Act").
(Details regarding "make information readily accessible to the Person" and "making information accessible includes providing answers without delay as requested by Persons" are included)

1.Purpose of use of personal information

(1)Purpose of use of personal information that is not written on a document and acquired directly or indirectly

We explicitly state the purpose of use in advance when personal information written on a document is acquired directly from customers.
We use personal information for the purposes listed below when personal information is directly or indirectly acquired by other means from customers.

Type of personal informationPurpose of use
Laboratory technician
Stakeholders of pharmacy
Distributors of pharmaceuticals
Other healthcare professionals
  • Provision and collection of information regarding proper use of medicinal products
  • Provision and collection of information regarding quality, safety, or efficacy of medicinal products
  • Surveys and research in medical and pharmaceutical fields
  • Provision and collection of medical or scientific information
  • Request and conduct of medical studies, including clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance
  • Notifying and reporting to regulatory authorities and other competent agencies
  • Consideration, investigation, and taking the action for consultation or report

2.Matters to making Retained Personal Data accessible to Persons

Our purpose of use of Retained Personal Data are as follows.

Type of personal informationPurpose of use
Laboratory technician
Stakeholders of pharmacy
Distributors of pharmaceuticals
Other healthcare professionals
  • Provision and collection of information regarding proper use of medicinal products
  • Provision and collection of information regarding quality, safety, or efficacy of medicinal products
  • Surveys and research in medical and pharmaceutical fields
  • Provision and collection of medical or scientific information
  • Request and conduct of medical studies, including clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance
  • Notifying and reporting to regulatory authorities and other competent agencies
  • Consideration, investigation, and taking the action for consultation or report

3.Third-Party Provision of personal information

We adequately control personal information acquired from our customers and do not provide it to a third party without obtaining the customer's consent in advance, except in the following cases.

  1. cases based on laws and regulations
  2. cases in which there is a need to protect a human life, body, or property of an individual, and is difficult to obtain the consent of the Person.
  3. cases in which there is a special need to improve public health or promote healthy child development, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Person.
  4. cases in which there is a need to cooperate with a national government organ, local government, or person entrusted thereby with performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, obtaining the consent of the Person is likely to interfere with the performance of these functions.

4.Procedures to respond to a demand for disclosure

We respond to a request for disclosure, correction or discontinuance from the Person or his/her representative.

For "Inquiry" regarding demand for disclosure, etc., please contact the section in charge, stated in 5. "Inquiry" regarding demand for disclosure, etc., and "Complaint" regarding handling of personal information.

5. Contact "Inquiry" regarding demand for disclosure, etc. and "Complaint" regarding handling of personal information.

  1. Contact "Inquiry" regarding demand for disclosure, etc. and "Complaint" regarding handling of personal information.
    Please contact the section in charge of "Inquiry" regarding demand for disclosure, etc. and "Complaint" regarding handling of personal information.
    • Telephone
      TEL:+81-942-85-0303, General affairs department, Mizuho Medy Co., Ltd.
      TEL:+81-942-85-3845, Overseas Business Department, Mizuho Medy Co., Ltd.
    • Mail
      5-4 Fujinoki-machi, Tosu City, Saga 841-0048 JAPAN
      General Affairs Department, Mizuho Medy, Co., Ltd.
    • We cannot accept your visit to us in person for this matter.
  2. Name of affiliated Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization and contact information for complaints
    The Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of Japan
    Personal Information Protection Center
    3rd floor, MFPR Nihonbashi Honcho Building, 3-7-2 Nihonbashi-Honcho
    Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023 JAPAN